

Voiced Lateral Fricative (L-yogh Ligature)


Articulator: tip/blade of the tongue

Point of Articulation: dental/alveolar/palato-alveolar area

Manner of Articulation: Lateral fricative: Make a firm contact against the point of articulation, so that the airflow is blocked on the midline of the oral cavity. The airstream escapes laterally through the space between the upper back teeth/gums and one or both sides of the tongue. When air flows through this passage, audible frication noise is created.

Voice: voiced – Vocal folds are close and vibrating.

Adyghe, Amis (Kangko accent), Bura, Kabardian, Ket, Mongolian, Sassarese, Zulu
(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiced_alveolar_lateral_fricative#Occurrence)